
Robert Mugabe

What do you think of Mugale's comment?

"Robert Mugabe is ordained by God. The Bible says we must honour the leaders because God appointed them. All authority is given by God. People should stop talking ugly about the president of Zimbabwe. He helped that country a lot on their road to freedom and now everyone wants to kick him out."

"We should rather do what the Bible says and pray for the honoured president. He is the man that can help the whole of Africa. Remember how he silenced the homosexuals? No other leader had the guts to do that!"

"Hooray to the Lion of Africa!"


Anonymous said...

Hello Pastor and welcome to blogland. I will link my blog to yours in support as a blog afiliate... Posted a comment on my Daily orders post. http://blogs.24.com/ViewBlog.aspx?blogid=c08101b7-b369-449b-abc5-9071de006546. Look at Saul, ordained by God and so thus removed. Herod and Pharoah met with young men God raised up to oppose them openly. Why would God do that if this tyrant is still in God's perfect plan.

Anonymous said...

5.1 Million people face starvation in Zim and you say Hooray!!! wow!- So God then is liable for 5.1 million peoples lives beacuse he put Mugabe there who refuses to leave even on a fair vote. So is God not fair and just? God according to you is a unjust, unfair muderer- is that right?