
TV Station

Our TV station is up and running!

What ideas do you have? What would you like to see on TV. You can spread your imagination wide as it is a family channel. Anything suitable for the whole family goes! We want to create this channel especially for you so tell us what you want.

Please see website for setup instructions!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear sir you clearly show your lack of education and a great deal of arrogance by making comments such as "Lucifer not being Satan"
And the Tribulation and End Times there are over 300 references in the Bible about the End Times - what bible are you reading?
But hey, why argue because this comment is up for approval - Mugabe ring a bell - if it does not fit in with your viewpoint it gets rejected right - Never heard of Textual Critisisms - I bet - you just get revelations from above - and no one else does the rest of the educated world knows ......nothing - they never get a revelation - did you honestly think you were going to get someone to agree with your statement - no wonder you get zero comments - They not even bothering with foolishness